Cantilevered Wall Mounted Jib Crane ¼ Ton


SKU: CMCW500 Categories: ,


Cantilevered Wall Mounted Jib Crane provides hoist coverage and 200 degrees of rotation. It has the advantage of providing maximum lift for the hoist, since it can be installed very close to the underside of the lowest ceiling obstruction. This Cantilevered Wall Mounted Jib is composed of a vertical mast mounted to 2 brackets on a wall or vertical building beam with a boom that cantilevers out, perpendicular from the wall at the top. For individual use in bays, along walls, or columns of plants, or as a supplement to an overhead crane or monorail system. Installation Requirements: Must have a structurally sound wall, column, or base for supporting the Jib Crane. Allow for 3” clearance above and along entire length of boom. Use grade 5 or better Mounting Bolts – Not included.

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Weight N/A